Thursday, July 19, 2018

why. archer. purse.

I started this blog so I could share entertaining blah-de-blahs that are too verbose for Facebook culture.
'Cause you know, we only check there when we're bored or retired (lookin atchu, Ma), to check out everyone's successes (family, pets, charitable gracings, new toys, finished projects, that one time she took a jog, that one time he didn't have carbs on his plate, hardly-relevant depersonalized memes, "Look I'm outside for once", etc.) or to stalk people you "honestly couldn't care less" about.
If it's an update longer than 2 lines, it's TLDR and most likely chain-spam-kickstarter-garbage.

... Lesse what drivel I can catch you up on (GN: "drivel on which to catch you up")...
When someone has an idea, tries, and it results in an undesirable effect, there's a huge difference between responding with, "That was a bad idea" versus, "It was worth a try".
A coworker has a nasty habit of being negative, challenging everything, analyzing details until something disintegrates, and shooting down hope with his pointy little arrows of pessimism.
He was a GPS in his past life.
... One that only knew about highways and didn't care about traffic.
"What are you doing, you twit?"
"Oh, I was taking a side route to avoid traffic--"
"This is incorrect. Make a U-turn now."
"But this way is scenic and more relaxing--"
"Does not compute. U-turn. NOW."

I participated in a party game that involved checking off items from a list of objects kept in a purse. Items ranged from typical (keys, wallet) to atypical (mints, floss, flashlight, medication, tweezers) to "oh that's where that went!" (pet treats, knife, deodorant, slinky, anything considered alive, potato, coffee grounds, a hammer, super glue, clump of grass, etc.)
I was disappointed to win second place. Should've brought a bigger purse.

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