Thursday, July 19, 2018

color. shape. udon.

I helped start the GSA (gay-straight-alliance) in high school.
I took color theory in college.
Color doesn't define a gender.
A hundred years ago, the roles of pink and blue were reversed for American society, with pink for boys and blue for girls. Again, not that it really matters.
Honestly, more than half of baby-admirers don't even notice colors or patterns while guessing the sex of your child.
Baby girl could be covered in Minnie Mouse, flowers and pink glitter, in a stroller dripping with recycled baby shower "It's a GIRL!!!" decor, and some stranger's still gonna walk up and say, "Aww how cute. What's his name?"
Dear TheInternet,
I would like to place an order for one cover of Nickelback's "Photograph" covered by Ed Sheeran.
This still hasn't happened. Nor has a photograph of Ed Sheeran eating udon. Maybe that's why he's no longer in Billboard's top 20.

Looks like you could use some ice for that burn.

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