Friday, July 27, 2018

potato. cowboy. lunch.

One day I was a potato.
Another day I was a turtle.
I had a pointy face and white cowboy boots and a dense yellow poster reminding parents to not let their children grow up to be monkeys whilst depicting a rodeo monkey in full cowboy garb slinging a lasso.

... It honestly frustrates me that I need to break down my beautiful poetic words to include everyone on what my expressions are attempting to convey.
     I once heard a stand-up comedian describe the look of Irish people as "potatoes." This invokes an image of something round, bloated, and pocked, whilst doubling as a historical reference to the Irish Potato Famine of the mid-1800's. (The comedian was also Irish, like meeee.) Part homage to this comedian and part self-deprecation, my bored-senseless mind clung to this thought whilst it tried to distract itself from the agony of Bay Area traffic.
     A few days later, I was trying on clothing, and a particular top had a rather large rounded collar, bringing attention to my odd neck, which is segmented like a fluffy marshmallow winter coat, and the tiny potato head sitting on top, like an upside-down exclamation point. (What a God-awful sundae I've just illustrated, with gobbed marshmallow and uncooked potato. I sincerely apologize.)
     And the rest is quite literally history. Which brings us to today...

Soba, you're benched. I will abandon you in the trash, you disgusting garbage. Pretzels! French onion dip!  You're up! Let's do this.
... No, no. I should at least attempt nutrients today so I can finish my shift fueled with something more tangible than mere anger.

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