Sunday, July 22, 2018

thai. kimchi. sunday.

Dear Thai food,

Please become sentient and crawl your way across the bridge to my place without getting cold or run-over.

My goal is to avoid leaving my apartment for any reason today, as I was social for most of yesterday and require at least one day a week in which I don't see or speak to another human unless it's attached to me (like a sister or a boyfriend).

I don't want your company, Thai food. I just want to eat you and pretend I'm getting more nutrients than the meat-and-cheese plate I had for brunch, or the half-a-bowl of off-brand Cinnamon Toast Crunch that made it beyond the Pool of Eventual Soggy-Death.

If you can drag some kimchi over with ya, you'll get a bonus reward. In fact, you can all party it up in my tum-tum until your dying day.
Which will be today. When I eat you. When you figure out self-transportation. And install that sidecar for your buddy.


PS- I'm *this close* to walking up to one of those fruit stand guys and asking them to sell coffee instead.

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