Monday, August 13, 2018

Grass is Greener

Jerome is upset because he is no longer in the warm womb where he came to exist. He is cold, hungry, and ferociously uncomfortable.

Jack is upset because a wheel has popped off his toy firetruck, which is baked in happy memories of his grandfather whom he misses more than he understands.

Jesse is upset that he doesn't have a date for the big school dance. He'd been focusing so hard on improving his facial complexion, smelling ok, working a part-time job to afford renting a suit and purchasing a corsage, and trying not to be too embarrassingly awkward around Theresa, to realize his poor grades won't allow him to graduate with the rest of his class.
... Oh, and Jesse's best friend told Theresa that Jesse's not into girls, swooping in on the rebound.

Jim is upset that his new wife is unable to conceive. His natural instinct is to blame her for withholding such important information, even though she hadn't known until after the honeymoon. Jim counts the days until the divorce is finalized while he continues to sleep with his arms around the woman he once loved.

John is upset that his partner is leaving him. Already teetering on clinical depression, he racks his brain for just one reason why they weren't perfect together. He obsesses day and night, but manages to respect his ex's request to ask no questions. The chaos inside eats away at John's self-esteem, his identity, and ultimately his sanity.

Jai is upset that his beautiful, healthy baby boy has a strong wail that blasts day and night. As much as he loves his new family, he jumps at any opportunity to work more hours or sit in traffic just a little longer to enjoy the peace. He rationalizes that the child needs his mother at this stage of life, and he'll step back in when he becomes "more helpful".

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